Our school year runs from August to June. Fall Semester – 4 months (August-December); Spring Semester – 5 months (January-June). Tuition is based on a yearly rate and is divided evenly among the nine months of the school year regardless of student's registration day into the school. Tuition is the same each month, regardless of holidays or the number of days in a month. Academy tuition amount is based on a 28 day, 4 weeks per month. Since all calendar months except February exceed 28 days, each of those months contain extra classes that fall on the 29th, 30th, and 31st. There is no extra charge for those classes. Instead, these extra classes are traded for 4 weeks of vacation wks/holidays (Thanksgiving break, Spring break, etc.) and other allotted scheduled "closed". There are NO refunds, credits, or pro-rates for holidays, missed or cancelled classes. Fees will not be refunded for inclement weather.
* There is non-refundable $50 annual school year registration fee for new & returning students (New Students: Spring Semester fee drops to $25). The registration fee for second/third child in the family enrolled is $25 (but not 50% off). Registration fee is per student, per school year.
* First month of tuition must be paid at time of registration. Registration will be done on a first-come, first-served basis, and no spots will be held in classes. Family Discount -5% for each additional sibling.
* There is a $140 non-refundable Spring performance fee (two tickets included) and $100 non-refundable The Nutcracker fee (tickets at additional price). Performance fee is per child/ per performance ($50 fee if not volunteering in the Nutcracker performances). In order to participate in the performances, enrollment to Saturday's classes is required. No additional costume(s) fees (all performances).
* Monthly tuition is due the 1st day of the month and accounts will be automatically charged monthly tuition amount and a $20.00 late fee if paid after the 10th of the month. If your payment was made by mail, please send it earlier to allow 7-10 days from the mailing date for your payment to be processed. All families with monthly payments will be required to have a valid credit card on file. No exceptions. If we do not receive payment by the 10th of the month, your card will be charged monthly tuition amount and a $20.00 late fee. Please attach ACH authorization form with your first monthly payment. To stop automatic payments please contact Art Ballet Academy in writing at least ten (10) business days before your scheduled monthly due date to be effective. Accounts with a history of late payments will be required to pay full tuition before acceptance.
* There will be a $35 fee for any returned check and declined credit cards. Credit Card # on file is required to all students with monthly payments. Art Ballet Academy is using Studio Director for our student/class registration, online tuition payments and account management. 4% StudioDirector fee for all online payments. Payment also can be made at Art Ballet Academy studio by check. Check payable to: Art Ballet Academy. Please include name of the student on your payment.
* Students with unpaid balances will not be permitted to participate in performances and/or re-register until account is paid in full and may be required to pay in full at re-registration. Any student whose tuition is more than thirty (30) days in arrears will be asked to discontinue classes until payment or suitable arrangements have been made.
* We do offer a free trial lesson for new students who have not been previously enrolled with us. If your child attends the free trial lesson and you wish to continue you must pay for the full term, including the trial class before the start of the second class.
* Classes are not pro-rated due to late enrollment. Tuition will remain the same amount every month. You cannot change class enrollment and tuition amount from month to month.
* Full year tuition for both fall and spring semesters. Semester 5% discount is only available if paid during the first month of the fall or spring semester. Full year 10% discount is only available if paid during the first two months of the fall semester.
* There is no tuition adjustment or refunds for illness absences. Classes missed due to illness may be made up. Students can make-up classes missed as available, but only for the same grade level or below and in the same school term/semester. In cases of prolonged illness or injury of a minimum of 14 consecutive Art Ballet Academy class days, the full-prorated tuition for the illness/injury period will be applied against the next semester/year’s tuition (signed letter from the student's physician is required).
*Early withdrawal policy: You must notify our office 30 days prior to the new month, or you will be responsible for paying tuition for that month. Payment for classes will be expected until 30 days written notice is received. If a dancer stops coming to class, we will not automatically drop him / her. If you drop and later re-enroll, the $50.00 registration fee charge is re-applied. There are NO refunds for paid tuition, credits or pro-rates for holidays, missed or cancelled classes.
* Art Ballet Academy will not make exceptions with this policy for any reason.
*10 Adult/Teen Punch Card Classes - $125
* $50 Annual Non-refundable Registration Fee (Second/Third Child in family: $25)
* The Nutcracker Performance Participation Fee (by level) - $100 (no additional costume fee). Spring Performance Participation Fee - $140 (two tickets included / no additional costume fee).
Copyright © 2010-2025 Art Ballet Academy - All Rights Reserved.
Art Ballet Academy, 6053 W Interstate 20, Arlington, TX 76017
Email: ballet@ABacademy.com
Voicemail: 800-844-5977